How to get to the Range * FAQ below
Paul 8898-9398
Paul Home 2446-0543
Rodriguez, Bi-lingual Range owner 8308-7216 or 8318-1461
From Atenas, drive East through La Garita like going to the
Airport. When you arrive at the highway (where you'd take the ramp to
the right if you were flying that day) go straight over the highway
bridge as if you were going to Zoo Ave or to Alajuela and Price Mart.
We are on the left, 3.6 kilometers from the overpass bridge and the Pan
American Highway. Here's a picture of what you'll see....
....until you arrive at a gate on your right..
there you'll be... at Don Enrique's Shooting Emporium and the home of
La Garita Shooting Club. If the gate is closed, it's just to keep the
cows out... don't want to shoot a cow... right?
Please close the gate after entering and try not to park where the targets are. Restrooms are available.
Remember... In the beginning, we can supply eye
and ear protection but you'll want some ear plugs of your own and some
cool shades to look cool in... Speaking of cool, feel free to bring a
cooler with water, soda or sandwiches.
It's 5,000 Colones per hour to use
the range unless taking one of our courses.
By appointment only.
We'll rent you a Gun, too. This money goes for the upkeep and improvement of the range as we grow.
Questions: 8898-9398
Welcome Aboard!
Frequently Asked Questions
Please ask and if it fits, I'll put it up here for everyone to see my answer
La Garita Defensive Pistolcraft Itinerary
Frequently Asked Questions
Please ask and if it fits, I'll put it up here for everyone to see my answer
La Garita Defensive Pistolcraft Itinerary
(Does not prepare you to pass a test; it teaches how to defend your home, family and yourself on the street)
By Paul Furlong: Instructor
Day One: Classroom from 8:00 a.m. to about 2:00 p.m. Class includes Firearm Safety, which is a series of habits you'll develop that will save you from tragic mistakes, yet leave your firearm available when you need it.
We cut through a few Hollywood myths and work on weapon and bullet choice. Mental Set is a very important part of the course. I spend maybe too much time on that, but it's the difference between acting or just standing there while someone takes your gun.
I cover Situational Awareness in such a way that you'll see trouble walking through the door. Trouble, by whatever name, will see you too; and leave you alone because of the confidence you give off. I spend enough time on this subject until I see you get the picture; how to "game the gamers."
At this point, about 11:00 a.m. we snack and take a short break. Then we begin to work with guns. You’ll start with dry fire (no ammunition) and firearm manipulation. I’ll take you slowly through the motions until you begin to develop muscle memory.
I’ll teach you the fundamentals of flash sight picture and surprised break trigger control. We shoot till about 2 pm, depending on rain, your ability to absorb the information or at what point the learning stops. It's tiring business.
Day Two starts at 8:00 a.m. and continues till about noon. By that time you'll have learned to use cover, shoot while moving and reload under stress.
I used to make the course three days but it was too much for everyone and added no further knowledge. When you graduate, I'll read a conclusion and invite you to become a member of La Garita Pistol Club. You'll be invited to attend our Meetings (just pay the special $20 range fee for graduates) on the last Sunday of each month. Here we shoot, talk about laws, guns we'd like to buy and practice drills to keep us sharp. Not a lot of people attend but those who do get to be friends and get pretty good with a gun. Then it’s something you look forward to and can’t wait for the last Sunday of the month like I do.
Hope to see you soon, Paul Furlong
Enrique Rodriguez, Bi-Lingual,
Teaches a 4 hour Preparatory Class
For the Costa Rica Exam to buy, own or carry a firearm
Price is 25,000 Colones now but will go up if the new test takes effect
Call 8308-7216 or 8381-1461
To apply for your permit to Buy, Import, Own or Carry a gun, you must first have a PERMANENT RESIDENCY WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS.
To apply for your permit to Buy, Import, Own or Carry a gun; you must complete these things:
1) Pass a psychological exam from a qualified person.
2) Pass the written Theoretical Exam given by the Police
3) Pass the Practical Shooting Exam given by the Police
La Garita Pistol Range has Dates (call Don Enrique) when Police come to give these exams. You can do 1, 2 and 3 in one day at our range. If you call us we can have an official Translator meet you on that day and translate the written exam for you. We have a great Psychologist who can give you the test on the same day if you call and ask.
Bring your cedula and a copy of it.
Wait Two Weeks
While you're Waiting...
Drive (bus) to San Jose, Park in a lot that you can find again. bring a book...
Take two (you only need one here) Passport Sized Photos and take a Taxi to Marcado Central (in front of Police Academy). Leave your gun at home, son. Walk up to the entrance and tell them you want your finger prints done. This is where you give them you Passport Picture. Have an extra copy of your cedula just in case.
Take a Taxi to circuito II del Poder Judicial to get your Hoja de Delincuencia. Should take ten minutes. They are nice there and will direct you.
Get copies of everything you got today.
Ask me to email you a paper in Spanish saying you want to carry your gun. Just put your name at the bottom and sign it.
If you've taken my course, then you have an idea what kind of Gun you'd like to buy. Go shopping! Put a deposit on a gun and get a receipt. Friendly Gun dealers on this site will treat you well. Many of them will submit the paperwork for you so you just need to take your paperwork to Armas y Explosivos to get your card and matircula.
Two weeks is up!
This Just In: Armas y Explosivos is only open for personal permits and registration of guns on Tuesday and Friday's. Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays are for Security Guards only
This Just In: Armas y Explosivos is only open for personal permits and registration of guns on Tuesday and Friday's. Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays are for Security Guards only
Make sure you've got it all and go to Armas y Explosivos near la Savana early in the morning. Bring a book. Buy Timbres before getting in line. You'll want two for your two matriculas (one is a spare) Buy another Timbre to carry your gun when you get it. Get in line and read your book. Have your papers organized when you arrive. Follow instructions till you come out later with your Card permitting you to carry your gun (that last photo you had could be on it or have them take another one there and wait longer.)
Race to the Gun Store and show them your stuff. Walk out with your gun! Mistake! Pick up your gun in 22 days! The police need to go to the store, see the gun and connect the dots to you. Then it's really yours.
Don't forget, got a question? Ask me to put it on this page right here, Thanks, Paul
I have a question concerning owning a registered firearm for use in
I have a question concerning owning a registered firearm for use in
the home only.
Can an expat with a pensionada residencia own a firearm for protection
in their home, under the properties corporation?
I would really appreciate your expertise feedback and should the
answer be "YES" How and What paperwork would be required?
The only way to have a gun in your corporation is if an officer of the corporation has the currant permissions to buy, own or carry a firearm. This is not impossible just a pain for you to go through.
This officer need not have any real power to manipulate the corporation but he should be someone of confidence; preferably a friend. If he doesn't have these permissions and would like to have them anyway, and has permanent residency; we can get him through the program to a satisfactory conclusion. Details of how to get these permits are in FAQ on my blog.
The "location" of the corporation must be in the same building you wish to protect. An office would do. A local attorney can "put" your office in your home and install your company officer into your corporation. Check first if you are zoned to have an office there. Usually okay on that but bean counters will be bean counters....
This officer need not have any real power to manipulate the corporation but he should be someone of confidence; preferably a friend. If he doesn't have these permissions and would like to have them anyway, and has permanent residency; we can get him through the program to a satisfactory conclusion. Details of how to get these permits are in FAQ on my blog.
The "location" of the corporation must be in the same building you wish to protect. An office would do. A local attorney can "put" your office in your home and install your company officer into your corporation. Check first if you are zoned to have an office there. Usually okay on that but bean counters will be bean counters....